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Nurturing the Seed of Infinite Potentialities in Every Child

About Feelings

Listed below are some quick facts about emotions.

How many of these facts did you know?

By Bisma Ali

A yellow Planet

A number of studies suggest that fear is the most risky emotion for toddlers, as increased exposure to situations which produce persistent fear and chronic anxiety can largely disrupt neural network development in the brain (Harvard, 2010). Dr. Ruthie Speidel talks about ways to promote emotion regulation in her article 

Although it is important for a child to learn emotion regulation skills in their developing years, a child’s brain doesn’t finish developing until their mid-twenties, and the way they self-regulate will change as they develop and grow over time (Li, 2022). Isn’t that amazing?


A green and blue Planet
A pink Planet

It is important to provide a child with plenty of opportunities for making choices, as it allows the practice needed to develop decision-making skills. This is because a well-regulated child who has developed decision-making skills, will be more likely to look through a set of options and make a reasoned decision as an adult (Soderlund, 2015).


Kindergarten is an incredibly crucial transition period for children and has a great impact on emotion regulation. Specifically, children must adapt to a new and unfamiliar environment, which will help them develop independence, self-discipline, interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence (Graziano et. al, 2007). Read about how to support your child’s emotion regulation at home and in the classroom 


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