Laboratory for Social-Emotional Development and Intervention Toronto

In press: Journal Articles, Chapters, and Books

Malti, T., & Speidel, R. (in press). Development of prosociality and the impacts of adversity. Nature Reviews Psychology.


Gibhardt, S., Colasante, T., & Malti, T. (in press). Kindness for peace. In R.M. Niemiec & D.J. Christie (Eds.), Character strengths and peace psychology: Foundations and integration for science and practice. New York: Springer.


Yavuz, M.H., Galarneau, E., Speidel, R., Colasante, T., & Malti, T. (in press). Biological basis of temperament: Respiratory sinus arrhythmia and inhibitory control across childhood. Developmental Psychology.








University of Toronto Mississauga